20-minute neighbourhood visions for Greenford and Perivale
04 September 2023
Hopefully we can agree that clean air is good. So, how can we plan town centres to make that possible?
20-minute neighbourhoods are part of that. High streets sit at the centres of these neighbourhoods in Greenford and Perivale in the London Borough of Ealing, and we’ve been working on new spatial frameworks to support healthy places. The visions have now been published by the London Borough of Ealing.
The work in Greenford and Perivale is a commission brought forward by the London Borough of Ealing to develop a Vision and Framework for the two areas. We Made That led a team supported by socio-economic experts PRD, transport planners Urban Movement and quantity surveyors Stockdale.
Aiming for strong local renewal and green recovery from Covid-19, the work seeks to unlock opportunities for 20-minute neighbourhoods while informing the new Local Plan. The 20-minute neighbourhood model invites us to imagine flourishing local centres where job opportunities as well as everyday services and amenities are within walking distance of our homes. In a 20-minute neighbourhood, economic, health, social and environmental benefits are secured by encouraging active and sustainable travel, and local high streets and commercial areas are supported to thrive.
The framework outlines ambitions to guide future funding opportunities for projects that can address local issues with a town-specific approach. The strategy champions inclusive growth, ensuring that council and stakeholder objectives support residents by responding to the needs and priorities of local communities and businesses with a focus on creating new jobs in growth sectors. It incorporates the extensive work being carried out by the council’s numerous borough-wide projects including Shaping Ealing, Industrious Ealing and the borough’s Affordable Workspace Study.
Significant and long-term investment will need to be secured for Greenford and Perivale alongside ongoing engagement with multiple stakeholders and partners. The framework forms an evidence base to ensure Greenford and Perivale are well-placed to access future funding and provides a starting point for joint working across the local community, public and private sectors. It aims to deliver tangible improvements and unlock wider opportunities to establish Greenford and Perivale as 20-minute neighbourhoods over the next 15 years.
A series of short- to long-term interventions are proposed including:
- Stitching together key focus areas with adjacent green spaces and residential neighbourhoods through high-quality active travel and public transport connections.
- Creating a distinct civic and cultural cluster at Greenford Broadway by enhancing currently underused facilities and providing affordable space for the local community.
- Supporting the establishment of a Traders Association at Greenford Broadway and Bilton Road to create a shared economic identity and provide business support.
- Reactivating vacant ground floor units to provide space for business support, creative use or innovative community uses.
- Extensive shopfront upgrades along Greenford Broadway and Bilton Road.
- Improving the public realm around Greenford Hall and local parades to become exemplary healthy streets through greening, as well as a safe and attractive walking and cycling environment.
Read more and access the Greenford and Perivale 20minute neighbourhood framework.